Friends of Aigantighe Response to LTP

If you haven't already made your submission to the council Long Term Plan, you have until 5pm Monday 9th April. You can make a submission:

  • Online - Make your submission online here (quick and easy!)
  • Fill out the form - Complete the Consultation Document Submission form and post it back
  • By Email - Email your submission to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Or by letter

We have finised our submission and sent it to the Timaru District Council. You can read it here:  Friends of Aigantighe Response to LTP

It’s here… Consultation on the Timaru District Councils 2018-28 Long Term Plan (LTP) has recently opened with the release of the consultation document.

The LTP is the Council’s blueprint for the delivery of its activities over the next ten years. It is a critical document that sets how the Council intends to make the Timaru District an even better place to live, work and play. The LTP Consultation Document has just been released for public consultation and we would encourage you to make a submission with any suggestions or feedback you may have or even if it is just your opinion of the Art Gallery. You can see more details about the contents of the LTP, and have your say about Council spending priorities here:our-place-our-future

In the LTP 2018-28 consultation document it is intended that the Aigantighe House Gallery will be strengthened to meet earthquake standards and reopened, and the gallery will remain on the current site. The consultation document also looks at future storage solutions for the Gallery, and recommends accommodating it at the Museum facility at Perth Street.

The Friends Committee will be making a submission expressing the following: The Friends strongly recommend art collection storage remains onsite. We recommend that the council uses a seed fund to properly investigate storage options on site at the Aigantighe Art Gallery.