2015 Autumn / Winter Newsletter

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In the Chinese year of the Seep, may you see happiness every where. Howe exciting it was to be able to host Desmond Bovey's collection of African art in the summer exhibition Minkisi. We hop you all took the opportunity to see it. On a sad note, we were sorry to lose one of our new members Shireen Horwell. Our sympathies are with Allan and his family.
The first Friends opening this year features the work of Marian Maguire in the exhibition Tikokowaru's Dilemma along with Diana Peneamene's paintings in her solo entrance show titled Earthen Vessels.
Check out the Friends' Facebook page and website for more information. The Aigantighe Art Gallery also now has a Facebook page and it is well worth a look,
A reminder that the Friends of Aigantighe is a fundraising organisation for the restoration and preservation of artworks, as well as acting as promoters of the Gallery to the wider community,
Last year we raised more than $6,000 to pay for the restoration work and we are currently raising funds for the reframing of works in the gallery's permanent collection. Thank you to all the sponsors and raffle sellers who make this possible.
The Friends are also responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of Arty the Art Car, the concept of which has been eagerly taken on board by galleries in North America. Thank you to Alan and Jeni at Tignafeile for housing this unique vehicle.
Our membership now stands at around 200 and we look forward to entertaining and delighting you in 2015.
- Neil McKinnon